Timeout is a simple jQuery plugin that allows you to delay the execution of code for a certain number of milliseconds. It works like the jQuery delay plugin http://www.evanbot.com/article/jquery-delay-plugin/4 which i didn't know existed at the time I wrote this plugin.
plugin code
/* timeout a setTimeout wrapper for jQuery By: Jesse Baird - jebaird.com 6-12-2009 */ (function($){ $.fn.timeout = function(options) { var defaults = {timeout:'2000',callback:function(){return true;}}; var options = $.extend(defaults, options); return this.each(function() { var e=$(this)[0]; setTimeout(function(){options.callback.call(e)},options.timeout); }); } })(jQuery);
//this will hide all of the anchor tags after 2 seconds $('a').timeout({timeout:2000,callback:function(){$(this).hide(); }}); //hide the drop down menu after 2 seconds $("#topNav li ul").bind('mouseleave',function(){ //$(this).hide(); $(this).timeout({timeout:'2000',callback:function(elem){ $(this).fadeOut(); }});
limitations and requirements
- jQuery 1.3.2
- Currently there is no way to clear the timeout