Making yarn and husky hooks work with windows

Recently I was trying to get husky using yarn to work on widnows. While I could directly run the commands for the git hooks from the cli, they would fail when husky would try to run them. Here is an example of the console output

λ git cm "test
/usr/bin/bash: C:Usersjbaird.ZB17-JMYrepos3.0node_modules.binhusky-run: command not found
Can't find Husky, skipping pre-commit hook
You can reinstall it using 'npm install husky --save-dev' or delete this hook
/usr/bin/bash: C:Usersjbaird.ZB17-JMYrepos3.0node_modules.binhusky-run: command not found
Can't find Husky, skipping prepare-commit-msg hook
You can reinstall it using 'npm install husky --save-dev' or delete this hook

I started doing some digging and found that when husky would try to run these commands it would strip out the \ slash in the path. Here are the two helpful github issues I found.

The credit for this next part goes to

I am closing this issue because this isn’t an issue of husky’s code. I’ve already notified Yarn team about it: yarnpkg/yarn#8340 Until they fix this, you can use do this if you are facing the same issue: Create fix-husky.js file in project’s root with following content:

const fs = require('fs');

// If Operating System is Windows, fix Husky for Yarn
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
  const huskyScript = fs.readFileSync('.git/hooks/', {
    encoding: 'utf-8',
  const fixedHuskyScript = huskyScript.replace(
    'run_command yarn run --silent;;',
    'run_command npx --no-install;;'
  fs.writeFileSync('.git/hooks/', fixedHuskyScript);

Run it once after installing husky with node fix-husky.js (you can even save it as package.json script).

This fixes the issue node_modules.binhusky-run: command not found But any commands listed in the lint-staged section in package.json would fail.

I needed to change this

  "lint-staged": {
    "relative": true,
    "linters": {
      "*.css": [
        "yarn run stylelint",
        "git add"
      "*.{js,ts}": [
        "yarn run eslint",
        "git add"


  "lint-staged": {
    "relative": true,
    "linters": {
      "*.css": [
        "npx --no-install  ./node_modules/stylelint/bin/stylelint.js",
        "git add"
      "*.{js,ts}": [
        "npx --no-install ./node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js",
        "git add"

Notice, that the commands are now using npx --no-install to run them. This gets around main issue of the path separators getting stripped out.