In most of the web apps I have written I have had to track / cache simple. It might a jQuery selector or a small group of objects in an array. In some form or another I end up doing something like this to get / set data.[].username;
Enter dataReg! Its a simple data caching object that allows you to simplify this process. You can turn that fragment of code into
Its a lot cleaner than traversing the full object and it doesnt muck up your apps namespace. Its losely based off of the jQuery $.data method.
Here is the code in its entirety
/* * Data Registry * * * Copyright 2010, Jesse Baird * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. * * Date: 6/1/2010 5:35:13 PM */ (function(){ var cache={}; window.dataReg={ /* type string ie users - helps break apart the cache selector optional string || int 2, 'config.lang.somekey' data any type */ set:function(type,selector,data){ if(typeof data=='undefined'){ data=selector; } if(typeof cache[type]=='undefined'){ cache[type]={}; } if(typeof selector=='undefined'){ cache[type]=data; }else{ cache[type][selector]=data; } }, get:function(type,selector){ if(!type||!cache[type]){ console.log('invaid type'); return ''; }else{ if(cache[type][selector]){ return cache[type][selector] } if(cache[type]&&!selector){ return cache[type]; } } return ''; } } })();