Colorize is a simple PHP class that allows you to supply template / source images and easily replace color(s) in them and save them as copies. It could be useful if you are building a theme generator for a site or framework. Or if you have to replace the same colors in images with another color.
Check out the GitHub repo
Colorize has a simple setup, it goes as follows
<?php require_once 'colorize.php'; //new instance with src images $c = new colorize(array( 'src/red_arrow.png', 'src/red_star.png' )); //replace colors in the source $c->replace( array('ED1C24', '000', 'e8d3d5'), array('7ADC4B', '4A4A4A'), 'green' ); ?>
Just supply the source / template images and tell it what colors to replace. And it will save them in the cache dir