Book Review: Aptana Studio Beginner's Guide

Aptana Studio Beginner's Guide by Thomas Deuling covers everything in Aptana Studio from installation to setting up the built in collaborative features. Having used Aptana Studio for the past few years I still found this book helpful. It would have been great to have on my shelf when I started using Aptana. As you many have found out there isn't a lot the web pertaining to getting Aptana setup.

I think Chapter 2, "Basics and How to use Perspectives and Views" is the one that I gleaned the most from. I had never thought about why you would want to use / setup perspectives. It turns out that setting up a view / perspective can greatly effect your project workflow and help divide up similar tasks / projects.

Another thing I liked about this book was the way the chapters were organized. I found it very useful when looking how to do / setup a feature. The basic flow looks like this.

  1. Changing the color theme(Steps to getting this task done)
  2. Sort paragraph describing what this task will do and why you would want to do it
  3. Steps with screen shots and or commands to get the task done
  4. Exerts for explaining new terms
  5. Wrap up

If you get a chance, I would recommend that you pick up this book. I think you will find a useful reference in the future. You can view more of the book on the publishers site here.


* As a matter of full disclosure, I did receive a free ebook of this book to review.