jQuery cloneVal, automatically copy :input values

It’s been awhile since I released a good old fashion jQuery plugin. cloneVal targets :inputs on a form and lets you copy/clone the value to one or a set of target :inputs.

A practical use case for this plugin would be an e-commerce form with billing and shipping fields containing a checkbox labeled “My billing and shipping addresses are the same” When that’s checked copy / clone the values to the shipping address fields.

Take this sample markup into consideration

	<input type="text" name="a">
	<input type="text" name="b">
	<input type="text" name="c">

If we wanted to copy a’s value to b and c, we would setup the plugin like this

            	//copy a input to b and c

This sets up event delegation on form in the event namespace “cloneVal”(by default)

If you want to disable this event handlers just call
