
Fixing exhaust / blower fan (ADDA Model AD2512LB)

I have a Li Lian v2100 plus case that i bought 5 years ago. Everything about the case screams quality except for the exhaust/blower fan( ADDA Model AD2512LB). The first blower that came with the case died about a year after I got the case. After looking for days I... Read more

Colorize - a PHP class to swap color in images

Colorize is a simple PHP class that allows you to supply template / source images and easily replace color(s) in them and save them as copies. It could be useful if you are building a theme generator for a site or framework. Or if you have to replace the same... Read more

Changing the background color of a ckeditor instance

ckeditor is great once you get past the steep learning curve. Lately I have been looking for a way to change the background color of the editor / where you enter in the content on the fly. If you google "ckeditor change background color" you will find that most results... Read more

Annoucing the launch of spritewizard.com

I'm proud to announce the lauch of spritewizard.com a web service that allows you to create and maintain css sprites with an easy drag and drop interface. I created SpriteWizard because I could never get all of the images from a designer at once.  Having a simple web interface that... Read more

Data Registry, Simple Data Caching for JavaScript

In most of the web apps I have written I have had to track / cache simple. It might a jQuery selector or a small group of objects in an array.  In some form or another I end up doing something like this to get / set data. appname.data.user[appname.data.state.activeUser].username; Enter... Read more
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